Sarah and Mystery - Horse Club
Schleich World of Nature - Horse Club (Schleich 42542)
Sarah and Mystery - Horse Club
4 in stock
Schleich 42542
Model Sarah and Mystery - Horse Club from Schleich.
When Sarah goes for a ride, she takes her best friend, the Arabian Mare Mystery. In the Horse Club's Sarah and Mystery - Horse Club from Schleich, she saddles her faithful four-legged friend and puts the bridle on. Finally, she puts on her own helmet. Has she forgotten anything? Oh, yes! She wanted to check Mystery's horseshoes to make sure none has come loose. But they all look fine, so let's go!
When Sarah goes for a ride, she takes her best friend, the Arabian Mare Mystery. In the Horse Club's Sarah and Mystery - Horse Club from Schleich, she saddles her faithful four-legged friend and puts the bridle on. Finally, she puts on her own helmet. Has she forgotten anything? Oh, yes! She wanted to check Mystery's horseshoes to make sure none has come loose. But they all look fine, so let's go!
Collectability Rating
Brand / code: Schleich 42542
Approximate dimensions: 13 x 3 x 11 cm
Age Rating: 3+
similar to Sarah and Mystery - Horse Club